This year, the West Coast Jenkins User Conference will be in Palo Alto rather than San Francisco. If you’re nearby — or even if you’re not — join Kohsuke and other fellow developers for a solid day of Jenkins.

The Call for Papers is open until June 9 (scroll to bottom of page for form). JUC will be much better with your involvement, so please submit your abstracts and share your Jenkins knowledge with the community.

image:: [Kohsuke Kawaguchi – Keynote Address, JUC San Francisco,link=]

A very special thanks to our JUC Palo Alto sponsors, who will make sure you are fed, caffeinated, clothed (in this year’s collectible Jenkins tshirt), and generally well cared for at the conference: CloudBees, JFrog, XebiaLabs, appvance, ZeroTurnaround, LMIT Software, Black Diamond Software, New Relic, Liferay, AppDynamics, and SOASTA.

Two other differences this year — the conference is not timed to coincide with JavaOne, and it falls on a Wednesday rather than a Sunday. We thought we’d try these changes and are interested to know if they work better for everyone.

The agenda won’t be populated until after the Call for Papers closes and talks are selected. But you can check out previous JUC agendas, slides, and video:

If JUC Palo Alto is not convenient for you, there’s also a JUC coming up in Herzelia, Israel on June 6 and a Jenkins event planned for Copenhagen, Denmark on September 6.

Hope you can join us at JUC!

About the Author
Lisa Wells

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