Your favorite Butler will visit Israel on June 6 for the Jenkins User Conference Israel. More than 200 people have already registered to hobnob with other Jenkins users and eat like kings.

The agenda is up here. You’ll find a great list of speakers from Israel, Europe and the US to compliment a plethora of treats. There will be an ice cream break, fruits break, beer break and special chef lunch. And everyone gets a limited-edition JUC Israel t-shirt, designed by the t-shirt-design gurus at JFrog.

Featured speakers:

Kohsuke Kawaguchi, the creator of Jenkins (formerly, Hudson) and elite architect at CloudBees, will deliver a keynote about the current state and the future roadmap of Jenkins.

Hans Dockter, the creator of Gradle and the founder of Gradleware will speak about next generation build tool to CI server integration.

Fred Simon, JFrog’s co-founder and Chef architect will share JFrog’s vision of the future of continuous integration in the cloud.

**Kohsuke Kawaguchi Hans Dockter Fred Simon

Many thanks to lead sponsors JFrog and CloudBees, who have put a lot of time and energy into organizing the conference. Thanks also to sponsors Cloudify and White Source for showing their support for Jenkins!

Can’t make it to Israel? Here are more Jenkins events:


About the Author
Lisa Wells

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